
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pinterest is turning me into a Hoarder

I have an addiction.

Its true. And its serious.

Seriously ah-ma-zing!!

I am, of course, referring to my addiction to Pinterest. And if you know what’s best for you, you’ll start using, too.

Its the good stuff. 100% pure. 

Don’t believe me? I’ll let you have the first hit for free … check out my personal Pinterest boards to see what home decor ideas, crafts, recipes and all sorts of other goodies have caught my eye.

Go on, go ahead and check it out. I’ll be right here waiting.


Oh, you’re back! And what’d you think? Interesting, yes? I like to say PINteresting. Because I’m cool like that.

In case you haven’t already heard about it, Pinterest is a bunch of online inspiration boards. You get to browse other people’s boards for ideas, and when you find something you want to remember, BAM! You pin it! (well, repin, actually, if you want to get finicky about technicalities). And if you’re anywhere else online, and you see something you want to remember, BAM! You press a handy little “Pin It” button, and it redirects you back to your boards.

Sounds confusing, but it’ll take you about 5 minutes to figure out. Trust me.

The problem is …. I’m now turning into a Hoarder. With a capital “H”. I no longer look at garbage as, well, garbage anymore, but rather items waiting to be “repurposed”. Because that’s the wonderful thing about Pinterest. It makes you an optimist. It shows you all these wonderful, creative, amazing things you  can do with items in your life, and you’re instantly transformed … into a hoarder.

Mason’s crib rails and mattress holder?DSC_0389 Currently sitting in my bedroom awaiting inspiration from Pinterest. There’s just something about these that makes me feel guilty throwing them out. Surely they’re good for something, right? Pinterest, I’m at your service …. give me your command.

This white tub that used to hold Crayola Model Magic?
Residing now on Mace’s little table in the kitchen, being used for some of his craft items and awaiting a good treatment of Modge Podge to make it “fancy”.

This green Lego bucket?
NO idea what I’m going to use it for, but it was just too ah-ma-zing to throw out. And look at that colour! It matches the buckets in Mason’s room perfectly!
I never used to be like this.

But now I am, and its glorious!

And oh, how convenient that I’ve just installed a “Pin It” button to the bottom of all my individual post pages (not the home page because nothing makes me angrier than repinning something on Pinterest, only to find its a link back to a main page and not the actual craft/recipie/miscellaneous that I wanted. If you’re already on Pinterest, you know what I’m talking about. Grrrrrrrrrrr.)

So go ahead …. check it out. I’m going to be making many more Pinterest-inspired posts in the future, so you’ll wanna get on this bandwagon while the getting’s good.

Oh, and one last thing.

Pinterest is so exclusive that you need an invite to become a member. But guess what? I’ve got ya covered. If you need one, fire an email my way and I’ll send an invite right back.

Because I’m cool like that. So cool that I’ve used “I’m cool like that” twice now in this post (uh, make that thrice).


  1. I know what you mean about Pinterest. I'm hooked! Love your blog btw. You're Hilarious! If I heard right a while ago, you know Morgan (Mon Petit Amour). We did our Ed. program together. That's how I landed on your site. Anyway, I'll be following! Come visit me at if you'd like.

    Vanessa :)

  2. Thanks for the kind words, Vanessa! And I've returned the follow!
