
Friday, April 6, 2012

A Week In Review

I’ve been missing for a few days, and unfortunately will be missing for a few more. Its been a busy, busy week and its only going to get busier … tomorrow I’m flying with Avery to visit my grandmother so they can meet for the first time. This will be my first solo flight with a child in tow so I’m a bit nervous, but thankfully its a short one (the flight and the child). I should be back to posting on Tuesday, and will try to update my Twitter with pics as we go. I know. Hang onto your seats. A short-haul domestic flight with a  probably-sleeping infant. Its gonna be wiiiiilllllld!

Since I’ve left packing and everything else to the last minute I don’t have time to make much of a post tonight, so I thought I’d do a quick photo-recap of my week instead:

First, the Easter Bunny came early this year due to my upcoming trip. Mace loved it, and why shouldn’t he … last year the Easter Bunny was so ridiculously ill with morning sickness that there was no chocolate, no baskets, and the (empty) plastic eggs were literally thrown around the room from my location on the couch. This year I did my best to make up for it, complete with egg dying (dyeing? How the hell so you spell that?), packed Easter baskets, and a hunt consisting of 42 (yes, 42) eggs filled with smarties, stickers, puzzle pieces, and goldfish. Boo-yah!

Untitled-1easterFollowing Easter, Mace had his first visit to the dentist this week. The fact that I do not have pictures from it should give you an indication of how well the trip went. He did fine in the waiting room but the moment the friendly hygienist arrived he turned into demon-child, arching his back and screaming “Noooooooooooooo!” to her cheerful question of “Are you all ready to come with me?”. Not embarrassing in the least. 

Mason and I also went to his first 3D movie (“The Lorax”), which was infinitely more successful than the dentist trip.
Seriously, how adorable is he?
IMG-20120403-00313 Would it be weird for me to try and find kid-sized black-rimmed eyeglasses for him to wear? He looks like such a hipster!

When we came out of the movie theatre I was also given the opportunity to leave my first-ever angry note under someone’s window-wipers:
I’m now ashamed.

Ashamed that I couldn’t think of something wittier to write, that is. I mean, seriously. I choked. Its a lot of pressure when your toddler is staring at you wondering why mommy’s suddenly gone crazy, while you’re jotting a note on an empty gum package as fast as you can ‘lest the perpetrator happens to be that person walking towards you in the parking lot.

Anyways, last night I also started Week 1 of the Wilton Cake Decorating course, Level 1. Believe me, there’s going to be some hilarity coming out of that soon enough, but for now I leave you with my completed projects from the first class:
Cake Boss I’m not. The far-right one looks like some sort of 4-leaf breast complete with nipple.

Thats my recap, y’all! And now I’m off to bed!



  1. Looks like a busy week. Good luck with the trip! On a side note, I did the Wiltons cake decorating course through Michaels with a friend. She wound up opening her own cake shop while I quit halfway through since the instructor scolded me for not making my friggin`icing clowns the way she told me to! I`m sure you will do better than me!

  2. Your pictures are getting more and more beautiful!!! How do you do it?

    I am also a bit envious of the cake class. We don't have anything like that around here. And let's just say I won't be posting pictures of today's lopsided red velvet cake anytime soon.

    Have fun on the flight! Bwahahahaha.

  3. Have a great trip!

    For the parking issue, I recommend:

